hello there,

You can call this a modern day scrapbook/portfolio of my work: collections of paintings, sketches, doodles, photography and perhaps some film (when i have time). This will be another creative outlet aside from writing (http://gabdez.blogspot.ca/). This blog will also act as a form of motivation to develop my art and to view my progress later on.
--don't be a stranger now, feel free to leave feedback/'critiques' :]

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Make a mess

I stumbled upon a quote that's my new inspiration/motivation:
"A creative mess is better than tidy idleness."

So go forth my friends, & make a lovely mess.

Fire walker

The trees are shedding their clothing, their painting the sidewalks with fire.

November strolls

I enjoy walking around aimlessly on beautiful gloomy days. There's just something about autumn air.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tattoo inspiration

Here are some tattoo inspired illustrations/drawings. Getting some practice on pin ups and calligraphy.


Here's some progress of a painting I started, it's been neglected these past few weeks to do working lots and getting ready for another move.

New groove.

Ohkay I fail at taking photos of my work and posting it BUT you will more work weekly because I'm attempting to do this thing called "sketch a day" but it won't be limited to just sketches, I'll be working on illustrations and paintings etc. wow what a large run on. ALSO I'm planning on becoming a tattoo oartist so I'll eventually be taking proper photos of my work for prints to place into a portfolio. Feel good to be motivated.

Here are a few things I've worked (some are still in progress).
Bird of prey.

3 of my favourite things: the moon, the ocean, and mermaids ( I swear I was a mermaid in a past life check out my long blog about the ocean here http://gabdez.blogspot.ca/2012/07/first-love.html)

Inspired by all things eerie, the eyes of Halloween spirit: Vampira, Dracula, & Frankentein

Inspired by a photograph: Skull & butterfly. I find the juxtaposition of life and death too be so beautiful. Something so innocent and pure paired with something society deems to be hideous.

Warm up sketches of random things: pyramids, buck, rose bud, tentacles & hands.

Forcing myself to practice my symmetry and it's a pain in the rear. Still have quite a bit of work to do on this...

just a quick sketch of a face before bed. I love drawing eyes.

practicing painting from what I solely see not what I've been taught how to view things. Painting a photograph of a girl upside down...it'll be a surprise when I turn it the proper way.